Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Pre-reqs of Life

I sometimes hate pre-reqs because they're not necessary. Sometimes they're very necessary. Like math for example. Try taking multi-var without single-var. HA! You'll have better luck translating Latin into English. But other classes, the pre-requisites are arguable, like English 1B for English 1C. I myself never took English 1B, so I'm not in a position to complain, but I've heard many people do it.

There comes a time when we realize the pre-requisites to the ways of life.

I firmly believe that love can solve all of the world's problems. Love for ourselves, love for others, love for anything that we believe in. With this love, we can resolve the issues of war, hunger, global warming, and financial crisis.

But I think I skipped a step. I was thinking with too much optimism. Not everyone can love. Not everyone knows how to love. Before we love, we must listen.

Some of the people that I don't enjoy interacting with, I've realized the main reason I don't like interacting with them is because they don't listen. Their repetition of what I say is more pedagogical or condescending than communicatory. Please don't teach me shit I just told you about.

So the lesson I learned: loving can only come from listening. To teach how to listen, I must open my ears first and be patient. I would like to make a case that patience is the pre-requisite for listening, but that's another blog-post.