Saturday, May 14, 2011

Lines of Thought. "On A Leash". Come back next Friday for more.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Why, oh why?

A simple, little comic I call "Lines of Thought".

Monday, January 31, 2011

Something Usher Would Sing About

The most obvious part of forming a friendship comes from the momentous occasions. Friends remember that great night, the boring study sessions, and definitely the ugly arguments.

But what goes into maintaining a relationship? There’s truth to the notion that maintaining a friendship is just continuous formation. As long as the big things keep happening, there’s nothing that can go wrong. I disagree.

I believe that part of maintaining a relationship lies with the small stuff: the little things that a stranger would never pick up on. It’s the little trademarks of each friendship that matter and keeping them alive. Answering the phone with the same greeting, or while at a meal you directly point them to the page they’ll find the most preferential entrees.

And sometimes things add up: The mundane or the lack of routine. The exhaustion of new learning’s. Sometimes it’s just that only one person initiates the dialogue, and the relationship as a whole. I actually hate that. I try not the get caught up in that “game” of I-called-first-now-it’s-your-turn, but folks, if that’s a little thing – it will matter one day.

As long as that balance is there, your friendship will remain and grow. Just, be sure you’re both there when coming up with the definition.