Tuesday, December 23, 2008

No Lies

There seems to be love in the air. Everywhere I turn; there are couples being made and relationships being forged. They may not be Facebook official, but something could be going on. From an economists point of view, that leaves about 10 weeks for the relationship to bud giving prime profit for the Valentines industry.

As for me, I'm not getting involved; too many things on my mind. And besides, there's that whole commitment thing I need to work on.

Anyways babe, it's true, "these feelin's won't go away. They be knockin' me sideways." I can say it all I want but whether you believe me or not is the issue. You're waiting for the right man to come around, but even if he did, would you give him a chance?

Let's learn to laugh and grow together.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Los Angeles – the only city where rain creates as much chaos as a terrorist attack.

I'm ambivalent about the rain right now. I like it because there's opportunity to do winter things like sit and read by a fireplace or splash in puddles or enjoy hot chocolate. But deep down inside, I'm a cali-boy. I need to wear my sandals, I need to wear shorts. I need to be able to see the sun at 4 pm no matter what "season" it is. It's not being spoiled, it's being from California.