Monday, September 27, 2010

Bugged Out

A good friend once asked me what my pet peeves were. I gave her a really shitty answer. I usually enjoy conversations with her a lot so typically, I dwell on the topics and then I figure out a more correct, cogent answer:

Pet Peeves:

  1. When people waste my time. I dislike walking behind slow people and I hate when people are so unaware of their surroundings that I have to say "excuse me" multiple times to bring them back to reality. Get to the point.
  2. Repeating myself.
  3. Exclusivity. The world is a place for learning, loving, and living. And in that order as far as my wisdom dictates. You can't learn with an exclusive setting. Involving the participation of all people who are interested is the first step to saying "I want to learn. I want the best." As with the California spirit, you'll have to pick up 100 rocks before you can find a nugget of gold. Think about it.

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