Tuesday, January 27, 2009

When it Comes to Words

Whenever I have that regret and say to myself "I should quit and be a writer" , I usually just say that because the grass is greener on the other side. I really do enjoy to write except I don't think I love it as much as I do. I think I love it just as much as any normal person. Real writers, the ones who cannot put a pen down, suffer from writer's block. I on the other hand, a faker writer, have periods of writers flow. Instead of having this mental wall where nothing creative seems to come out, it's like the spigot is set to maximum flow and all these ideas come rushing out and I have to find a feasible way to get them on paper. If I were a real writer who truly loved it, they would all be on paper. But no, I'm a fake writer so they just stay in my head and the closest to paper they get is either here, digitally, or in the margins of my econ notes (if it's really special, it'll go in the back of the notebook on a whole sheet of paper!)

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