Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Everyone's Doing It

I've noticed the trendiest thing to do with blogs is to write social commentary. I try to refrain because I'm not perfect so who am I to comment on society and my peers. It's like I'm trying to enact reform in accordance with my own personal agenda.

But there are things that need to be pointed out. Here's my latest irritation with my peers:

There's only one thing worse than poor grammar. Using advanced grammar incorrectly to show that you know grammar, when really, you don't know the difference.

The insider scoop is that on college essays and really, any other essay, if you try to use big words, the readers will figure it out. Same thing applies to the way you put your words together.

I see people commenting on Facebook pictures with "this and my mom and I" or "This is the bridge and I". It makes me shudder or they will say "take a picture of Lucy and I"

Hate to break your bubble but it actually is "This is me and and my mom" and "take a picture of me and Lucy"

So please, don't try to use something if you don't know how it works. And face it, grammar is fucking hard. So if you just make the same ignorant mistakes as everyone else, you won't be that far behind. Trying to show off what you don't have, that might hurt you rather than help.

And that my friends, is it. It was something I had to do.

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